Section 5 - Program & Credits
5. Program & Credits
1. The Producer/Presenter will list in the program distributed to the audience, the names of all Dance Artists responsible for the creation of the production. In the event of omissions or cast changes in the printed cast listing in the program, the Producer/Presenter agrees to inform the audience of the changes and/or corrections with a written insert in the program and/or by making an announcement prior to each performance. The Producer/Presenter will correct the omissions, errors or cast changes in the next printing of the program.
2. The Producer/Presenter will acknowledge the Choreographer in all advertising and promotional materials.
3. The participation of Dancer/Interpreters in the creation of choreography will be acknowledged in writing in the program.
Example: Choreography by [choreographer’s name] with [dancers’ names].
4. It is suggested that members of CADA/East be acknowledged as such in the program by the following or similar phrase: “Member of the Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists, East Chapter”. The phrase will appear with, or be linked by a typographical symbol, to the CADA-East member’s name. In order to promote awareness of CADA/East’s Professional standards for Dance, we suggest adding a link to CADA/East’s website.
5. It is the responsibility of the Dance Artist to provide a photograph and biographical material.
6. The Dance Artist has the right of approval of biographical material for the program and/or souvenir program. If the Artist does not return a printer’s proof of biographical material, with corrections, within 48 hours of receiving them, they will be considered approved by the Dance Artist.
7. The Producer/Presenter and Dance Artist will agree in advance and include In the Agreement, the requirements for posting the Dance Artist’s biography and photo. It is the Producer/Presenter’s responsibility to ensure that the name of the Dance Artist, their photo, photo credit and biographical material are posted. This material will be displayed by the Producer/Presenter in one or both of the following ways:
- Prominently displayed and properly identified in the lobby
- Reduced to an appropriate size and reproduced, properly identified, in the house program.